Central Java: Intangible heritage status for 16 more cultural works

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Semarang, C Java (ANTARA) – Sixteen additional cultural works from Central Java have been designated as national intangible cultural heritage this year, taking the total to 119.

“In 2022, we proposed 16 intangible cultural heritages to the national level to be assessed for feasibility. From this proposal, all of them have been recognized as cultural works with a national predicate,” cultural affairs head at the Central Java Education and Culture Office Eris Yunianto said here on Wednesday.

The 16 newly recognized national cultural heritage works from Central Java are: performance show Wayang Orang Ngesti Pandowo, traditional toy Warak Ngendog, local cuisine from Kendal Telur Mimi, art performance Barongan Kudus, local cuisine Jenang Kudus, Buka Luwur Kanjeng Sunan Kudus tradition, woven cloth Tenun Troso Jepara, local cuisine Tempe Kemul Wonosobo, traditional ritual Baritan Asemdoyong, and farmers’ tradition Ngabeungkat Dawuan.

Further, Batik Salem Brebes, night parade Sura Keraton Kasunanan Surakarta Hadiningrat, Menoreh theater play, umbrella craft Payung Juwiring, pottery art technique Putaran Miring Gerabah Melika, and heritage book Kitab Primbon Haji Syekh Imam Tabbri Sragen have also been designated national intangible cultural heritage.

The proposal for designating them as national intangible cultural heritage was carried out in stages, starting from the district/city level, with the support of cultural documents or witnesses, Yunianto informed.

According to him, a cultural work can be designated a national intangible cultural heritage if it has been cultivated or has been present in society for at least 50 years.

Furthermore, he emphasized that cultural heritage recognition must be followed by increasing cultural preservation efforts as the government can revoke the heritage status if it cannot be sustained.

A national intangible cultural heritage can also be proposed to the UNESCO for world cultural heritage status, he said.

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