Terrorists are, in fact, grateful for the death penalty. Because of this, giving the death penalty to terrorists is not effective
Jakarta (ANTARA) – Studies have shown that the effectiveness of the death penalty in deterring drug offenders and terrorists has not yet been proven, chief of the National Commission on Human Rights (Komnas HAM) Ahmad Taufan Damanik has said.
In a press conference that was broadcast live on the National Commission on Violence Against Women (Komnas Perempuan) YouTube channel on Monday, Taufan noted that groups that support the implementation of the death penalty have argued that it will serve as a deterrent and thus, it will be effective in eradicating certain crimes.
However, terrorists seek death since it is something that they choose when they embark on a mission mandated by the masterminds behind their actions, he opined.
“Terrorists are, in fact, grateful for the death penalty. Because of this, giving the death penalty to terrorists is not effective,” he said.
To this end, Komnas HAM will effectively push for the abolishment of the death penalty from Indonesia’s legal system, starting by limiting the types of crimes that attract the death penalty, he informed.
“For Komnas HAM, the death penalty is unacceptable and it should be abolished,” Damanik asserted.
He highlighted that in efforts to abolish the death penalty, the commission has encountered challenges from various groups, such as social and political groups, who still consider the penalty important.
Indonesia should review the existing national law and practices so that they ensure careful legal procedure as well as protection to suspects facing the death penalty, in accordance with the UN’s resolution, he emphasized.
“Furthermore, Indonesia should apply a moratorium on the implementation of the death penalty,” he said.
The press conference, entitled ‘Death Penalty the Highest Gender-Based Violence toward Women: Abolish for Women’s Justice and Recovery’, was held to commemorate the World Day Against the Death Penalty, which is observed every October 10.
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