Indonesia’s COVID-19 spokesperson urges public to get fully vaccinated

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Solo, Jateng (ANTARA) – The Government’s Spokesperson for COVID-19 Reisa Broto Asmoro has urged the people at large to complete their second dose of vaccine to enable Indonesia to achieve herd immunity immediately.

“Do not forget the second dose of vaccine, especially if someone thinks one dose is sufficient,” she noted while visiting the COVID-19 Vaccination Center at the Surakarta Palace, Central Java, on Saturday.

Asmoro emphasized that all types of vaccines, except for Johnson & Johnson, required two vaccination doses. Hence, all people, who have taken the first dose of vaccine, are expected to take the second dose without further ado.

“Please follow the government’s regulation related to vaccination. If the duration of each vaccine is different, please pay attention to it. If the dose is completed, we can help to end this pandemic soon,” she added.

The spokesperson pointed out that the duration of vaccine injection between the first and second dose may differ across vaccine brands.

For instance, the AstraZeneca vaccine requires a 12-week window period between the first and the second injection, while Sinovac vaccine only requires a time gap of four weeks.

Meanwhile, Asmoro lauded the vaccination center at Solo Palace where more than 15 thousand people had visited.

Related news: 66.3 million Indonesians fully vaccinated against COVID-19: task force

“I laud Solo Palace for having facilitated the government’s program to make this vaccination a success. I hope this would inspire various parties and the entire community to take the second dose of vaccination,” she noted.

On the same occasion, Executive Coordinator of the Surakarta Palace Vaccination Center, Febri H. Dipokusumo, stated that the activity began with the idea of King Pakubuwono XIII helping the community.

He said the event was not only held in Solo City but also in other areas, comprising 3,500 participants in Karanganyar District, 1,500 in Sukoharjo District, and 20 thousand people in Ponorogo District.

“Next week, on October 26-27, we will also hold a vaccination program in Pacitan District, with a target of 20 thousand participants. We will come directly to the villages,” Dipokusumo remarked.

He explained that the location was chosen due to the large number of Surakarta Palace servants (Abdi Dalem) coming from these areas.

“We will also go to other areas with many Abdi Dalem, maybe in Trenggalek and Mojokerto. This activity is expected to help local governments to achieve vaccination targets,” Asmoro added.

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