Kominfo offers 1,000 digital boot camp scholarships

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Kominfo is offering an opportunity to senior year university students and fresh graduates who are or have not yet worked to gain professional competence.

Jakarta (ANTARA) – The Communication and Information Ministry (Kominfo) has collaborated with a private educational platform to offer the Fresh Graduate Academy Digital Talent Scholarship (FGA DTS) Batch 3 advance program.

Under the program, free training or boot camp will be organized for one thousand students.

“We have the commitment to provide technology training access in Indonesia, such as by holding the Fresh Graduate Academy,” an official from the ministry, Hedi M. Idris, informed in a statement released on Wednesday.

A total of one thousand open scholarships will be offered for the Quality Assurance and Data Science classesto graduates who are not working or have not yet worked so that they can gain professional competency.

The teaching materials will align with the development of science and technology in the Industrial Revolution 4.0 era so that participants can compete in the domestic and overseas industries.

“Kominfo is offering an opportunity to senior year university students and fresh graduates who are (not working) or have not yet worked to gain professional competence,” he said.

“The expectation is that this learning model can develop the capability of every member to become digital talents that Indonesia can be proud of,” he added.

Meanwhile, operation director at BINAR, Seto Lareno, said that the educational platform welcomes and supports the program.

“This cooperation is a real form of collaboration between the government and the private sector for producing more digital talents,” he added.

“BINAR is ready to support this program and open space for various government or private institutions that seek to offer similar scholarships,” he said.

To join the program, prospective participants will need to meet several requirements: they must be Indonesian citizens and no older than 27 years at the time of registration, and they must pass the administration selection and online test.

Participants joining the program will also be expected to have basic knowledge of data science and quality assurance.

The learning methodology that will be utilized by the students will comprise case studies, Zoom sessions with mentors, final projects, and self-learning.

Registrations for the program will be open until August 27, 2022. Students can register for the Data Science Class using the link http://bit.ly/DataScience-FGAxBINAR and for the Quality Assurance class through the link http://bit.ly/QA-BINARxFGA.

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