Police will disclose motive behind Brigadier J murder

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About the motive, for the time being, we have received clarification from FS. But we also want to once again question PC.

Jakarta (ANTARA) – The National Police has said that it will disclose the motive behind the murder of Brigadier Nofriansyah Yosua Hutabarat, or Brigadier J, after concluding its investigation into PC, the wife of the suspect, Inspector General FS.

“About the motive, for the time being, we have received clarification from FS. But we also want to once again question PC,” chief of the National Police, General Listyo Sigit Prabowo, said during a hearing with Commission III of the House of Representatives (DPR) in Jakarta on Wednesday.

Prabowo added that he wondered whether PC will change her testimony during questioning after she is named a suspect.

He made the remarks in reply to House Commission III member Sarifuddin Sudding’s request to clarify the motive behind the alleged murder of Brigadier J.

Prabowo said earlier that the questioning of PC was postponed after the police received a medical certificate from her.

“We plan to question her this week,” he informed.

For the time being, the motive behind the alleged murder involving the former chief of the profession and security division at the National Police Headquarters is anger and emotion upon hearing about an incident in Magelang, Central Java, from his wife, which he considered to have ruined the honor and dignity of his family, Prabowo said.

“For further explanations, it will be revealed in the court,” he added.

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