Jayapura (ANTARA) – Implementation of health protocols at the Kampung Harapan Aquatic venue for the diving and swimming branches was considered to be satisfactory, according to Sports and Youth Affairs Minister Zainudin Amali.
The public had shown a high level of enthusiasm in watching the XX Papua National Games (PON), especially those taking place in the aquatic arena located in the Jayapura District cluster.
However, the implementation of health protocols in the water sports arena is very disciplined, he said.
“There is a seat distancing for spectators at the bench,” Minister Amali remarked while watching the swimming competition at the venue on Sunday.
The minister also expressed optimism that the health protocols would be implemented simultaneously until the end of the Papua PON on October 15 to ensure that the Papua PON will not create a new cluster of COVID-19.
“I hope they would always conduct strict health protocols, especially during this PON. Since the competition in the aquatic arena is still going on in the next few days, I hope everyone would be safe from contracting the coronavirus,” he noted.
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During the competition in the aquatic arena, the organizing committee always reminds all at the venue, through the speaker, to always maintain distance and implement health protocols. In addition, the number of spectators present is limited.
Before heading to the aquatic arena, Minister Amali also directly reviewed the implementation of health protocols in organizing the men’s soccer match at the Mandala Stadium, Jayapura City.
He lauded the efforts of the match committee that had consistently reminded the audience to continue to abide by the health protocols, such as wearing masks, maintain social distance, and washing hands with soap and running water or hand sanitizer.
“Earlier, we all heard how the committee regularly reminded the audience to follow tight health protocols. Also, the head of PON committees, Yunus Wonda, had ensured that everything is under control and runs according to plan,” he added.
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