Surabaya clarifies misconceptions on Soekarno’s birthplace

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Surabaya, East Java (ANTARA) – The Surabaya municipal authority in East Java has collaborated with historians and history enthusiasts to clear misconceptions about the place of birth of the national founder and first president, Soekarno.

Surabaya State University historian Rojil Nugroho Bayu Aji spoke of having uncovered several historical accounts that stated Soekarno’s place of birth as Surabaya instead of Blitar, as popularly known by the public.

“The first account originated from Bandung Institute of Technology’s (ITB’s) student admission document, which stated Soekarno was born on June 6, 1901, in Surabaya,” Aji noted here on Wednesday.

The expert also spoke of having found another university document that logged Soekarno’s year of birth in 1902 instead of 1901. The discrepancy in the birth year might be due to the preference to register Soekarno a year younger while attending college, he remarked.

He revealed that the second account originated from Soekarno’s written remarks requesting a correction to his place of birth while receiving the Honorary Doctorate in Bandung’s Padjadjaran University in 1964.

“A small correction (that he made) to the university rector, as written in the paper that he prepared for his remarks, is ‘(the statement that) I was born on June 6, 1901, in Blitar is wrong. I was born in Surabaya, and I am a native of Surabaya,'” the historian noted.

Soekarno’s autobiography, which he co-wrote with American biographer Cindy Adams, also stated his birthplace as Surabaya instead of Blitar, he pointed out.

“Unfortunately, during the New Order era, narratives about Soekarno’s birth in Blitar rampantly circulated. Hence, on his anniversary, we need to clarify that his true place of birth is Surabaya,” Aji remarked.

The historian said that Soekarno also had a long-standing history in Surabaya, where he spent his youth studying in the city’s HBS (Dutch East Indies’ state civic high school) institution and being introduced to various youth groups and ideologies.

He also highlighted that earlier research conducted by a researcher of Soekarno Institute, Peter A. Rohl, concluded that Soekarno was born in Surabaya.

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“We need to continue promoting Surabaya (in connection) with Soekarno, who was born in the city’s Pandean IV road No. 40, which will make us literate about our independence proclamator’s history, as he had a strong nationalistic vision to advance the Indonesian nation,” Aji stated.

Meanwhile, Surabaya Mayor Eri Cahyadi lauded the efforts to rectify narratives about Soekarno’s place of birth. He also expressed his intent to establish a museum in the national founder’s birth house.

“Surabaya has the Kalimas waterboat tourism (destination), and there is a jetty (in the river) that allows (tourists) to access the HOS Tjokroaminoto Museum and Soekarno’s birth home. By then, we can trace back the history of Soekarno and Surabaya,” the mayor stated.

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